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risk capital 冒風險投資的資本 (=venture capital)。

risk-benefit ration

However , the basle capital adequacy requirements are based on the agreement banking capital and the average level of the risk identified . the commercial banks are not necessarily suited to their own conditions and the risk capital adequacy requirement , but the basle capital adequacy requirements are against the agreement corporate commercial banks overall , commercial banks do not meet internal risk management and the capital management needed 但是《巴塞爾協議》的資本充足要求是根據銀行業資本和風險的平均水平確定的,并不一定能適應各商業銀行自身的風險狀況和資本充足要求,而且巴塞爾協議的資本充足要求是針對商業銀行法人整體的,并不適應商業銀行對內進行風險管理和資本管理的需要。

Firstly , we elaborate the relationship between vc and risk capital ( rc ) , which are different from origination , the degree of investor ' s involving in the development of enterprise , operation cycle and their essences , etc . vc , however , is subjected to rc regarding investing field 它們主要在起源、概念對應物、參與企業的程度、循環周期與內涵等方面有一定的區別。但從投資的對象上來講,創業投資又屬于風險投資的一個范疇。第二、介紹了創業投資三要素及它們之間的關系。

The research resuits mainly include : credit capital is not equal with stock capital , low risk capital structure is one strategic choice and competition advantage ; more capital from the core stocanolder and famous investment institution , more easier the company can finance ; relationship lending is one important credit financing means for internet company ; from the point of tfade - off theory , conservative capital structllre is suitable for intcmet company presently ; small proportion is preferable when liability level is readjusted , since it is easier to access the optimal capital structure . 主要內容包括:債權資金與股權資金不對等,不可以完全替代;低風險的融資結構是一種戰略性選擇;核心股東增加投資和廣大具有市場影響力的機構投資者投資網絡公司都是傳遞公司價值的信號;關系型貸款是重要的債權融資方式;從權衡的角度看,現階段宜選擇保守型融資結構;調整負債水平宜采取謹慎小幅度的策略,這樣更容易接近最佳融資結構。

This passage , on the study and analysis of experience of risk capital activities , governance - mechanism and development of foreign countries ; and in the light of our current specific conditions of venture capital , is bringing out a certain amount of vital problems and principal contradictions on the governance - mechanism in the venture capital operation 本文在總結分析國外風險投資活動治理機制發展經驗的基礎上,結合我國當前風險投資活動中治理機制的發展現狀,指出了我國風險投資活動中治理機制發展的重大問題和主要矛盾。

Thirdly , this thesis discusses the producing background and basic concept of var risk control technique , moreover detailedly introduces the computational method of var and the adopts measuring technique on market risk to analyze the market risk which asset management department is faced in demonstration , finally it recommend the method of risk capital allocation based on var detailedly 通過比較,本文認為var方法是一種較為理想的風險度量方法。再次,討論了var風險控制技術的產生背景、基本概念和var的詳細計算方法并采用市場風險測度技術實證分析我國券商資產管理業務所面臨的市場風險,最后給出了基于var的風險資本配置方法。

It testifies that the key reason is the over - enlargement of the risk capital , not taking into account of the “ denominator strategy ” . then it analyzed the influence of the risk assets management to the capital adequacy ratio in respect of the branch banks , as the risk assets management is carrying out in the branches , using theoretical and practical analysis , qualitative and quantitive analysis , we can see that the commercial banks don ’ t have the consciousness of the risk assets management , don ’ t have a complete and reliable system of risk control , and don ’ t know how to control the scale and structure of risk assets , and how to degrade the risk of assets through the mitigating factors 說明其關鍵原因是風險資產的過渡擴張,也即對“分母戰略”的不重視。接著站在商業銀行分行的層面來分析加權風險資產管理對資本充足率影響,因為對風險資產的管理是在分行層面進行的,采取理論分析和實證分析、定性分析和定量分析相結合的方法,可以看到商業銀行對風險資產的控制意識不強,沒有一套完整可靠的控制風險的系統和流程,對如何控制風險資產的規模和結構,如何通過風險釋緩因素降低資產的風險等等都沒有清晰的認識。

The system arrangement methods and countermeasures of risk investment development in our country are discussed in the following aspects respectively : the support mechanisms , the configuration of organization , the demand principal part , the admittance mechanisms and the withdraw mechanisms of risk investment . it is proposed that in order to develop risk investment in our country , we must establish capital admittance mechanism which give priority to institutional investor , establish organizational institution whose main form is limited partnership institution , cultivate risk capital system whose demand principal part is private enterprise , establish risk investment withdraw mechanism whose main partnership is secondary securities market and sound policy support mechanism 從風險投資的支持機制、組織形式、需求主體、準入機制和退出機制五個方面闡述了解決的方法和對策:發展我國的風險投資業必須建立以機構投資者為主的資金準入制度機制、以有限合伙制為主要形式的組織制度、培育以民營科技型企業為需求主體的風險資本體系、建立以二板市場為主的風險投資退出機制和良好的政策支持機制。

An important aspect of this amendment is that , as an alternative to a standardised measurement method , banks are permitted , subject to strict quantitative and qualitative standards , to use internal value - at - risk models as a basis for measuring their market risk capital requirements 草案法第12條應該得以補充,添加上基金經理人的責任。首先,推廣和促進基金的發展其次,在基金獨立董事的監管之下,代表這些基金尋求法定的權利。

Var is used to measure the market risk of america s & p500 stock index futures and a conclusion is got that supervisor and trader can adjust supervision strategy and provision of risk capital according to daily varvalue 運用var技術測量了美國s & p500股指期貨的市場風險,得出在正常市場條件下,監管部門和交易者可以根據日var值來調整監管策略和風險資本金的準備率,為我國將來推出股票指數期貨交易提供一套有效的風險度量的方法。

The objective of the framework is to ensure that institutions hold adequate capital against the price risks to which they are exposed , particularly those arising from their trading activities . this is in addition to the existing credit risk capital requirements 制度的目的,是要確保機構就其所承受的價格波動風險持有足夠資本特別是自營買賣活動所產生的風險,而這是現時就信貸風險維持足夠資本以外的規定。

A market risk capital adequacy regime was implemented with effect from 31 december 1997 . this regime is based on the framework set out in the amendment to the 1988 capital accord issued by the basle committee in january 1996 市場風險資本充足制度自一九九七年十二月三十一日起推行,是以巴塞爾委員會在一九九六年一月發出的一九九八年資本協定修訂所載架構為藍本。

The market risk capital adequacy framework is still evolving . in particular there are plans to harmonize the basle committees framework with the capital adequacy directive of the european union which covers the same subject 市場風險資本充足制度仍在逐步發展,特別是有關方面正計劃協調巴塞爾委員會建議的制度與歐洲聯盟的資本充足率指導原則。

As investors are providers of risk capital to the enterprise , the provision of financial statements that meet their needs will also meet most of the needs of other users that financial statements can satisfy 因為投資者是企業風險資本的提供者,因此,為了滿足他們的需要而提供的財務報表,也可以滿足財務報表能夠滿足的其他使用者的大部分需要。

The e - commerce application also has a great development inner china . since 1997 , with help of the risk capital , there were a lot of e - commerce companies being born in china 自從1997年至今,中國在風險資本的催生下,產生了一大批電子商務公司,同時,傳統企業也在紛紛建設自己的電子商務,并且逐漸成為國內電子商務的主角。

Otc forex trading is risky and only risk capital should be used . you agree that the initial deposit and any additional monies you deposit are risk capital 場外外匯交易是有風險的,且只有風險資金才可以被使用。您同意初始存款和任何額外存款的資金都是風險資金。

The passage , finally , in macrocosmic and microcosmic angles , is giving policy proposals of the governance - mechanism in risk capital activities in our country 基于以上分析,文章最后對我國風險投資活動中的治理機制發展提出了宏觀和微觀上的政策建議。

Statutory backing for the market risk capital regime was effected by an amendment to the seventh schedule to the banking ordinance which deals with the authorization criteria 透過修訂銀行業條例附表7列載認可準則,市場風險資本制度已取得法定效力。

They also offer management assistance , performance monitoring and the staged infusion of additional risk capital as the enterprise evolves 他們同時提供管理協助,執行監測和作為企業發展附加風險資金的灌輸階段。

The providers of risk capital and their advisers are concerned with the risk inherent in , and return provided by , their investments 風險資本的提供者以及他們的顧問關心他們投資的內在風險和投資報酬。